Marketing can be difficult and expensive, figuring out what to post can get overwhelming. In this article I’ll go over a few things that could help you connect more with your audience for free!

1. Social Media

This is probably the most obvious thing on this list, but it’s VERY important. Having a strong social presents is very important for growing your business, not only does it show the inside of your business and what goes on, but it also adds a face to your business instead of just your logo.

2. Blog

Do exactly what I’m doing right now! Write about something that you enjoy talking about, that could also help the people that visit your site. This helps you by bringing in new potential clients, and helps the readers by giving them some information that they can use to help their business.

3. Hashtags

This one goes along with social media and is essential for growing your social platforms, hashtags! Hashtags should be on everything you post for business. This is how people will find your posts, which lead to your page, which leads to your website. On Instagram I suggest putting as many hashtags as you can think of, Twitter and Facebook should have two or three REALLY good hashtags that describe your post and attract your ideal customers.

4. Make a Social Challenge

A really good way to get people on your website is to set up a social media challenge. There’s a lot of different things you could do for this, you could have a giveaway for your product where the person with the best/funny/creative video with the use of your product wins. You could also have them use your hashtag so that more people see it and join in on the fun! Getting your name out there is very important, and this tip could really help bring in new customers.

5. Videos/YouTube

One of the most important ways that you can boost your marketing is by setting up a YouTube account and making videos for your product, as well asĀ  making video blogs. With blogs you write an article to help your target audience in someway, video blogs take that one step further by putting a face/personality behind the information. You can use these videos to promote your business by sharing them on Facebook and Twitter which increases the chance of people sharing your videos which will lead more and more people to your website.

Need Help With Videos?

Making videos can be extremely difficult and time consuming. Luckily for you I love making videos and can help you create weekly uploads for YouTube which you can use for marketing your business in a very creative way. Contact me for details.

Categories: Marketing